Memories of 2023
Selected photography from the 2023 summer camps.
Shooting with dad
How tall can we get?
It's hammer time!
Teamwork makes the bow work
Go! Go! Go!
I believe I can fly!
Behold, Excalibur!
5 vs. 1 is fair, right?
Learning to shoot
Fire pit story time
The Jr. Calgary Flames
My, my, what big teeth you have
Connect 4
Laser focussed
Sky high
Kitchen crew
Moose Cabin
Bear Cabin
Fox Cabin
A leisurely stroll
This hair better not mess with my aim
Wilderness hike, check, Killer haircut, also check
Ooooo, candy!
Catch anything?
Ultimate Frisbee
Soap carving
Introducing…Our new marketting team
Push-ups before supper
The next Robin Hood
Friends + Tubes + A river = Loads of fun!
Hmm, I'm not staying dry am I?
Just chillin'
Quality father-son time
3, 2, 1, and he's off!
Foosball, practically professionals
The next generation of clothing designers
Bus rides with buddies are the best!
Say cheese!
These fish don't stand a chance
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea
Splish, splash
Nailed him!
That's not a water baloon…
Ninnnnja, dodge!
Is this big enough?
Uhhhh, where'd the rest of him go?
Living on the edge
Canoeing with a smile
I think someone is about to get a bit damp
Hollld onnnn!!!
Sunset soccer
Taking aim
The iconic swinging bridge
Listening attentively to the instructions
That target doesn't stand a chance
Watch out waterfowl, he's coming for you!
Not giving up that easily!
This game must be going very well (or just the opposite)
Our very own freshwater spring
Tuck time!
On the way to ride the waves!
Campfire time!
That man has to know what he's doing
Look mom, I'm on camera!
I'm about to walk down a cliff, attached to a rope...
Learning from the best
Taggers keeping everyone safe from below
While everyone else is walking down, he's climbing up!
The mud pit
This castle definitely needs a name
The triple flip
Caught the director relaxing on this one
A cabin leader and his boys
This was so worth the hike!
Admiring God's incredible handiwork
White Water Rafting
The Leadership Trails Crew!
An honour to see two baptisms!
So cool to see two young men make that decision!
Looking for the long drive
Winding up…
Calculating angle, wind speed, wind direction…
Who's getting a fish first? The geese, or the boys?
Oh yeah! Living the dream!
Now that's a view!
Step 1: Dig the hole
Step 2: Fill the hole
Step 3: Put as many people as possible in hole, because why not!
Run with it!
Quick feet, quick feet!
How's the water down there? Cold?
Now this, this is fun
We are going to get wet aren't we?
I'm losing my grip!