Renting the Camp

While the summer camp events are the main focus of Camp Teepee Pole, the camp itself is available for renting when it is not otherwise in use. Rentals are made available in the following priority:

  • Official Christian Service Brigade events have the top priority,
  • Registered Christian Service Brigade Units in good standing are next,
  • And finally other groups.
The “other groups” need to satisfy the following requirement in order to rent our facility:

  • They must be in complete agreement with our Statement of Faith, or
  • They must be explicitly approved by the camp board.

How To Rent

Note that the camp is generally not available for renting from the month of June until mid-August. During that time we are either running our summer camps or preparing for them.
In order to rent the camp, please contact the Camp Registrar.

Rental Rates

The rental rates depend on both the time of year and the type of group that is renting. Note that all prices do not include electricity for which you need to add 15¢/kW⋅h.

How to Pay

You can pay your rental fees either via cheque or e-Transfer.

If paying by e-Transfer, send the fee to This address is configured with our bank to automatically accept transfers, so you shouldn’t have to setup any additional security questions. Be sure to include the name of the rental group in the comment section so we know whom to credit.

If paying by cheque, make the cheque payable to "Camp Teepee Pole" and mail it to

 Camp Teepee Pole
 PO Box 57041
 RPO Sunridge
 Calgary, AB T1Y 6R4
Be sure to include the name of the rental group in the memo so we know whom to credit.

Summer¹, full week² $1,150
Summer, weekend $400
Summer, weekend w/o washhouse $300
Winter, weekend, for CSB³ units $100
Winter, weekend, all other groups $300
Note that groups are required to provide their own insurance. For weekend renters, the camp can provide insurance if desired for an additional $25/day.

Some Useful Resources

The appropriate forms will generally be emailed to you by the registrar. But you can also obtain them here.

¹ Summer is defined as the months May through September and includes running water and optionally the use of the washhouse. Winter use does not include the washhouse (there are outhouses instead), and only allows a single tap for water use. The remainder of the water system, including the drainage, will have been winterized, hence will be unavailable.

² Week is defined as a full week from Sunday through Saturday.

³ Christian Service Brigade